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Today I met a very strange scenario with my computer running Windows Server with a wireless card connected to the network. The connection suddenly dropped and the system refused to connect to the router again. It kept saying “Can’t connect to this network” without explicit error message. I tried to reset adapter and IP settings but neither worked.

The final solution is to 1) delete the wireless connection profile and 2) set up one manually.

1) On Windows 8 you can right click on the network that you are trying to reach, and click on “Forget this network”.

2) Go to Control Panel –> Network and Sharing Center –> Set up a new connection or network –> Manually connect to a wireless network, and enter the connection information EXACTLY as supposed, which includes SSID (name) and security. After that, you should be able to re-connect to this network again.

Although I don’t know what is the cause of the problem and what is the mechanism of this method, we still have such a working solution.

Reference: http://superuser.com/questions/804873/cannot-connect-to-wifi-in-windows-8-1-for-my-new-hp-laptop